The Education University of Hong Kong, EdUHK
The Education University of Hong Kong, EdUHK
  • Видео 283
  • Просмотров 1 211 706
中國女排前國手及天津女排隊 於教大與學生切磋球藝 Former Members of the Chinese and Tianjin Women's Volleyball Teams at EdUHK
The Tianjin women's volleyball team engaged in exhibition matches against with the Hong Kong women's volleyball representatives, the EdUHK volleyball team, and the winning teams from the Hong Kong inter-school volleyball competition after the exhibition opening ceremony. The matches allowed the players to showcase and exchange their skills, and the matches attracted the attention of many teachers, students, and alumni.
Additionally, Li Juan, a former member of the Chinese and Tianjin women's vo...
Просмотров: 67


Просмотров 11814 дней назад
教大與天津體育學院於6月17日起,於教大大埔校園合辦「國家榮譽-中國女排精神展」,展品包括中國女排的世界盃冠軍獎杯、奧運會金牌、比賽隊服等珍貴藏品。 教大校董會副主席陳浩華教授、教大校長李子建教授聯同一眾嘉賓,包括中聯辦宣傳文體部體育處長朱劍平先生、大埔民政事務助理專員余咏霖女士、遠道而來的天津體育學院黨委書記張立順先生、中國排球學院常務副院長張娜女士、前中國女排國手李娟女士及魏秋月女士,以及教大國家運動員大使姚迪女士等,一同出席了展覽開幕典禮。 The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) and Tianjin Sports Institute co-hosted the “National Glory - The Spirit of Chinese Women's Volleyball” exhibition, which was ...
教大舉行七一升旗儀式 National Flag Raising Ceremony on HKSAR Establishment Day
Просмотров 68721 день назад
為慶祝香港回歸祖國暨香港特別行政區成立廿七周年,香港教育大學(教大)於2024年7月1日在大埔校園舉行升 儀式。 出席儀式的包括教大校董會主席黃友嘉博士、副主席陳浩華教授、校董會成員、大學管理層、師生及校友、教大賽馬會小學及教大幼兒發展中心的學生及家長,以及外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署國際部二秘盧可女士以及政研室隨員曾露女士,並由教大學生升 隊負責升掛國 、區 及校 。 In celebration of the 27th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) held a National Flag Raising Ceremony on ...
Highlights of the 30th Anniversary Lunch cum Long Service Award Presentation Ceremony
Просмотров 192Месяц назад
25 April 1994 marks the date of the amalgamation of the five former colleges of education and the Institute of Language in Education to become The Hong Kong Institute of Education - now EdUHK. EdUHK held a special luncheon and ceremony with over 1,000 members, including the senior management, faculty members and frontline staff, to enjoy this memorable day together on 25 April 2024. The event f...
Alumni Greetings to University’s 30th Anniversary 校友祝賀教大校慶三十周年
Просмотров 175Месяц назад
EdUHK celebrates its 30-year journey since the amalgamation of the five former colleges of education. Alumni from different generations and professions congratulate their alma mater on its 30th anniversary and wish EdUHK continued success in its endeavours. 時光荏苒,由五所前師範學院合併而成的教大迎來三十載光輝里程。來自不同年代、不同專業領域的校友,一同祝賀母校校慶三十周年,祝願教大繼續蓬勃發展。
Highlights of EdUHK Alumni Homecoming 2024 教大校友日2024精華片段
Просмотров 116Месяц назад
EdUHK held the EdUHK Alumni Homecoming 2024 on 23 March. More than 2,000 people, including faculty members and students, alumni and friends of EdUHK gathered at the Tai Po campus to celebrate the University’s 30th Anniversary. 教大於3月23 日舉行了「教大校友日2024」,吸引逾二千名教大師生、校友及各界友好回到大埔校園,共賀教大三十周年校慶。
Highlights of EdUHK Mainland Alumni Association Gathering 教大內地校友會慶典精華片段
Просмотров 43Месяц назад
The EdUHK Mainland Alumni Association organised the 1st Anniversary Celebration cum Greater Bay Area Alumni Career Networking Summit in Shenzhen on 29 March. More than 200 mainland alumni gathered together. President Professor John Lee Chi-Kin was in attendance, and encouraged the alumni to communicate even more and support each other, and always stay connected to their alma mater. 香港教育大學內地校友會於...
Highlights of EdUHK AERA Reception in Philadelphia 教大於美國教育研究協會年會舉行招待會精華片段
Просмотров 772 месяца назад
此影片收錄香港教育大學(教大)教育及人類發展學院(學院)於今年四月參與美國教育研究協會(American Educational Research Association)在費城舉辦的年會,並在年會上舉辦招待會,與來自全球各地的學者交流互動精華片段。 The video captured the highlights of The Faculty of Education and Human Development (FEHD) of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), held a reception at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association in Philadelphia in April.
EdUHK signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with CAHK 教大與中國香港單車總會簽署合作備忘錄
Просмотров 1832 месяца назад
EdUHK signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with CAHK to encourage healthy and safe exercising habits and further develop the sport and its culture in Hong Kong. The pair will collaborate to promote cycling, including the development of a ‘Train the Trainer Programme’ to enable EdUHK students to acquire knowledge and skills in teaching cycling and also to deepen public awareness of safety....
響應全民國家安全教育日 香港教大舉辦系列活動
Просмотров 6082 месяца назад
為響應全民國家安全教育日,增強學生的國民身份認同,提升學校師生和地區民眾的國家安全意識,香港教育大學(教大)近日與地區機構合作舉辦多項相關活動,包括於四月十五日「全民國家安全教育日」正日,在校園舉行了隆重的升 儀式;於四月十三日聯同油尖旺民政事務處及油尖旺區校長會舉行「國家安全教育」-理念與實踐研討會;亦於四月十五日與大埔民政事務處、大埔區撲滅罪行委員會、大埔區青年發展及公民教育委員會以及大埔學校聯絡委員會,於校內舉行「2024大埔區全民國家安全教育日 - 跨代活動嘉許禮」。 上述系列活動吸引近千名嘉賓和師生參與,包括教大校董會成員、教大校長李子建教授、大學管理層、教職員及學生,以及中聯辦和外交部駐港特派員公署的官員,多名大埔區議會議員,以及中小學校長等。
教大舉行全民國家安全教育日升旗儀式 EdUHK Flag Raising Ceremony For the National Security Education Day
Просмотров 1 тыс.3 месяца назад
為響應全民國家安全教育日,香港教育大學(教大)於4月15日早上在大埔校園舉行升 儀式。 出席儀式的包括教大校董會成員、教大校長李子建教授、大學管理層、教職員及學生,以及中華人民共和國外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署(外交部駐港特派員公署)國際部王劍主 、外交部駐港特派員公署國際部一等秘書李曉陽先生、多名大埔區議會議員、中小學校長等逾400人參與;並由教大學生升 隊負責升掛國 、區 及校 。 In support of the National Security Education Day, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) held the National Flag Raising Ceremony on its Tai Po campus on 15 April 2024. he Ceremony was at...
Highlights of EdUHK’s Lunar New Year Celebrations 2024 教大農曆新年慶祝會精華片段
Просмотров 1523 месяца назад
此影片剪輯香港教育大學(教大)農曆新年慶祝會精華片段。 The video captures highlights of The Education University of Hong Kong’s (EdUHK) Lunar New Year Celebrations. On 2 February 2024, the Global Affairs Office hosted celebrations to bring in the Year of the Dragon. Around 40 students from around the world made dumplings and wrote Fai Chun. Students also received red envelopes, decorated with golden dragons to symbolise ...
EdUHK Establishes the National Security and Legal Education Research Centre 教大成立國家安全與法律教育研究中心
Просмотров 1474 месяца назад
To raise awareness among teachers and the public on safeguarding national security and on being law-abiding, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) has established the National Security and Legal Education Research Centre, and held a launch ceremony on 9 January 2024. 為配合提升教師及公眾維護國家安全及守法的意識, 香港教育大學(教大)成立國家安全與法律教育研究中心,並於2024年1月9日舉行成立典禮。
Highlights of EdUHK ‘Caring for Life’ Day 教大「關愛生命日」精華片段
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.4 месяца назад
The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) held its the first ever ‘Caring for Life 2024’ Day on 2 Feb, as part of its 30th Anniversary celebrations. The event encouraged the University’s senior management, faculty and staff members, and frontline staff to participate in a variety of activities on campus and enjoy a pleasant afternoon. 香港教育大學(教大)於2月2日首次舉辦「關愛生命日」。作為教大30周年的慶祝活動之一,是次活動鼓勵大學管理層、教...
Highlights of EdUHK Thanksgiving Reception 2023 教大感恩茶聚2023精華片段
Просмотров 6676 месяцев назад
此影片剪輯香港教育大學(教大)感恩茶聚2023精華片段。 The video captured the highlights of EdUHK Thanksgiving Reception 2023.
教大舉行元旦升旗儀式 National Flag Raising Ceremony
Просмотров 1,6 тыс.6 месяцев назад
教大舉行元旦升 儀式 National Flag Raising Ceremony
Installation Ceremony of the 6th President: Address by the President, Professor John Lee Chi-Kin
Просмотров 2217 месяцев назад
Installation Ceremony of the 6th President: Address by the President, Professor John Lee Chi-Kin
Honorary Doctorate Conferment Ceremony 2023: Thank You Address by Dr Carlson Tong Ka-shing 唐家成博士謝辭
Просмотров 1217 месяцев назад
Honorary Doctorate Conferment Ceremony 2023: Thank You Address by Dr Carlson Tong Ka-shing 唐家成博士謝辭
Highlights of Dinner in Honour of the 6th President and Honorary Doctors 2023 校長就職及榮譽博士頒授典禮後晚宴精華片段
Просмотров 3588 месяцев назад
Highlights of Dinner in Honour of the 6th President and Honorary Doctors 2023 校長就職及榮譽博士頒授典禮後晚宴精華片段
Installation of EdUHK President, Honorary Doctorate Conferment and 30th Anniversary Launch Ceremony
Просмотров 9138 месяцев назад
Installation of EdUHK President, Honorary Doctorate Conferment and 30th Anniversary Launch Ceremony
EdUHK’s Century-old Educational Heritage 教大百年教育傳承
Просмотров 1,7 тыс.8 месяцев назад
EdUHK’s Century-old Educational Heritage 教大百年教育傳承
教大嘉許亞運及亞殘運健兒 EdUHK Recognises Asian Games and Asian Para Games Athletes
Просмотров 3328 месяцев назад
教大嘉許亞運及亞殘運健兒 EdUHK Recognises Asian Games and Asian Para Games Athletes
EdUHK - Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.9 месяцев назад
EdUHK - Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme
教大北角教學中心開幕 Opening of EdUHK North Point Study Centre
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.9 месяцев назад
教大北角教學中心開幕 Opening of EdUHK North Point Study Centre
教大舉行國慶升旗儀式 National Flag Raising Ceremony
Просмотров 1,7 тыс.9 месяцев назад
教大舉行國慶升 儀式 National Flag Raising Ceremony
教大舉辦開學日升旗禮 Academic Year Inauguration cum Flag Raising Ceremony
Просмотров 2,6 тыс.10 месяцев назад
教大舉辦開學日升 禮 Academic Year Inauguration cum Flag Raising Ceremony
Message from the President Professor John Lee Chi-Kin | 校長李子建教授的話
Просмотров 4,8 тыс.10 месяцев назад
Message from the President Professor John Lee Chi-Kin | 校長李子建教授的話
教研并进 引领创新
Просмотров 29510 месяцев назад
教研并进 引领创新
教研並進 引領創新
Просмотров 39310 месяцев назад
教研並進 引領創新
Innovating Education • Creating Impact 教研並進 引領創新
Просмотров 74710 месяцев назад
Innovating Education • Creating Impact 教研並進 引領創新


  • @sunminglui8483
    @sunminglui8483 Месяц назад


  • @user-ro6kt8gy2o
    @user-ro6kt8gy2o 2 месяца назад


  • @user-ro6kt8gy2o
    @user-ro6kt8gy2o 2 месяца назад


  • @maytsang1952
    @maytsang1952 3 месяца назад


  • @hilarywong-bq3uu
    @hilarywong-bq3uu 4 месяца назад


  • @kiddisong
    @kiddisong 5 месяцев назад

    4:40 月蝕,不是月食

  • @mandikwok
    @mandikwok 5 месяцев назад


  • @fayazahmad6003
    @fayazahmad6003 7 месяцев назад

    Can you help me I m want to admission in mphil in physical education.

  • @user-ko9gw9de1p
    @user-ko9gw9de1p 8 месяцев назад


  • @Lukeclout
    @Lukeclout 8 месяцев назад

    愚忠之臣, 书呆子。 文智不如刘秉忠 武谋不如郭仲和

  • @stephaniechen614
    @stephaniechen614 Год назад

    所以端午不應該祝福別人此日快樂 被屈辱何解還說端午節快樂呢? 跳河自盡都快樂?

  • @kimhochan1823
    @kimhochan1823 Год назад


  • @hoyinching9313
    @hoyinching9313 Год назад


  • @ppgolochv-uw8kq
    @ppgolochv-uw8kq Год назад


  • @K123we
    @K123we Год назад


  • @user-lz6fe6qi2n
    @user-lz6fe6qi2n Год назад


  • @jyy5692
    @jyy5692 Год назад


  • @ivyng7903
    @ivyng7903 Год назад


  • @GordonSun2012
    @GordonSun2012 2 года назад


  • @GordonSun2012
    @GordonSun2012 2 года назад


  • @GordonSun2012
    @GordonSun2012 2 года назад


  • @GordonSun2012
    @GordonSun2012 2 года назад


  • @chaulam990
    @chaulam990 2 года назад


  • @adachan799
    @adachan799 2 года назад


  • @leoaugust179
    @leoaugust179 2 года назад


    • @27.nguyenminhquang24
      @27.nguyenminhquang24 Месяц назад


  • @user-tt8vq9bf8g
    @user-tt8vq9bf8g 2 года назад

    即是跳湖是因為太傷心? 咁為何端午節要扒龍舟?

    • @rexng2458
      @rexng2458 Год назад


  • @wingliu1642
    @wingliu1642 2 года назад

    Very interesting

  • @oneplusone2999
    @oneplusone2999 2 года назад

  • @AlexAlex-ps3kc
    @AlexAlex-ps3kc 2 года назад

  • @joyrobjoyrob7551
    @joyrobjoyrob7551 2 года назад

    Very nice! 👍

  • @gmaillee3741
    @gmaillee3741 2 года назад


  • @bleh.6485
    @bleh.6485 2 года назад


  • @ihmahrisywandha7864
    @ihmahrisywandha7864 2 года назад

    I'm from Indonesia and intersting to take a Master of Education with the area of focus is mathematics and technology strand. But i found out that the medium of instruction in MEd is english and chinese. To study chinese take more time, How about the international student with scolarship which is have to done the study at 1 year,?

  • @phdconstructioninlandscape4517
    @phdconstructioninlandscape4517 2 года назад

    Photos of new building for children students and teachers camera are prefer for education

  • @janiceliew3872
    @janiceliew3872 2 года назад


  • @karenblue9223
    @karenblue9223 3 года назад

    我告知...全世界香港人...這世界好大...不要做供樓...奴隸...20-30 yrs ....這世界好大...買英語國家... 歐洲國家 ...越南樓...都得...all are affordable apartment ....唔好信政府高層講 填人工島解決問題....填一百個人工島永遠都解決唔到...一日唔解決人口policy........

  • @user-of8xm2re7p
    @user-of8xm2re7p 3 года назад


  • @user-uy4bp3du6m
    @user-uy4bp3du6m 3 года назад


    @CHINESEINHONGKONG 3 года назад


  • @KnownHatchet
    @KnownHatchet 3 года назад


  • @donaldsheep5458
    @donaldsheep5458 3 года назад


  • @Baz.007
    @Baz.007 3 года назад

    Galileo of the East?

  • @shommerandshone
    @shommerandshone 3 года назад

    This channel has huge potential

  • @ilovelifan
    @ilovelifan 3 года назад

    南方很少回族的 香港更难得 回族一般北方最多。。。好多都离散在北京

    • @josephguo6256
      @josephguo6256 Год назад


    • @user-nv3bl2kw7l
      @user-nv3bl2kw7l Год назад


    • @user-nv3bl2kw7l
      @user-nv3bl2kw7l Год назад

      中國在清國和中華民國時期根本沒有回族這種族,中國共產黨政府也夠瞎,自創出一個只是祖輩信仰回教,沒有自己族語,只會說會華語方言和普通話族群種族回族來方便管理。 中國回教協會創始人白崇禧曾否認有中國共產黨所創回族存在,認為自己是漢族穆斯林和說漢語回教徒。

  • @ShubhangiGupta
    @ShubhangiGupta 4 года назад

    #shubhangigupta Great work

  • @isbellewang7479
    @isbellewang7479 4 года назад


  • @szhhh1326
    @szhhh1326 4 года назад


  • @centriacentria9100
    @centriacentria9100 4 года назад


  • @47NZ38
    @47NZ38 4 года назад

    🎬🎤简明,Nokia,Toshiba 🎤🎬迷惘实习生该如何面对环境学的大专业挑战? #演员请就位

  • @meimeileung2727
    @meimeileung2727 4 года назад
